Minutes of WHFC meeting via Zoom 7th October 2020



Minutes of WHFC meeting via Zoom 7th October 2020

Present Julia Scarth-Chair, Sarah Mardle-Secretary, Roger Hancock-Treasurer, Doug Robinson, Sarah Chambers, Charlie Chambers, Chloe Parish, Ed Danson, Paul Cannon

1: Apologies for absence.    Sue Lee (Sandy Witter who is thinking of joining the Cttee)
Parish Councillors Ed Danson & Paul Cannon attended the meeting. Julia thanked the councillors for all the work they do for the village & thanked the Parish Council clerk for her Weekly Info Harvests, which were extremely useful.

2. Minutes of last meeting 19th August 2020 were agreed and signed & will be posted on Wookey Hole Website

3: Treasurers Report - Roger
Roger reported that the current bank balance is £1685 (£520 being held for Parish council grant)
Sarah M reported that the closing balance after the LWTST was £1720.
Julia Scarth was reimbursed £35 for flowers sent to a resident on behalf of the residents forum.
It was unanimously resolved that Sarah Chambers would replace Roger Hancock as Treasurer.

4: Neighbourhood Plan - Julia
Julia has left a message for Tony Hathaway, the Parish Councillor dealing with the Neighbourhood Plan. Julia will ask him if he needs any information about Wookey Hole.
Ed Danson reported that the Government white paper is being written for future plans (there are 3 of them) & the Neighbourhood Plan is on the back burner. The bare bones of the N.P. needs to be done & Tony Hathaway, Ian Humphreys & Marcel Hayden will be working on it. Ed Danson is responding to White Papers.

5: Road working group.
Sarah C, Julia & Roger met with Mike Pullen & walked through the village highlighting the traffic problems. It was a busy Saturday morning so the issues were obvious.
Mike Pullen said that a 20mph speed limit through the village would not be feasible because we didn't have a school in the village, he also said SIP (Solar Indicator Panel) speed signs would be our best option. Also virtual pavements, with different coloured tarmac for pedestrian areas might be an idea. We may be able to create a footpath  running along the edge of the allotments, from the pink cottage to Glencot Lane, the allotment committee would need to be approached.  Sarah C to get cost of SIP's from Mike Pullen. Maybe the caves or the Parish Council could fund these.
Paul Cannon reported that a considerable amount of traffic going to the caves is directed (by satnavs) down Tynings Lane & then Milton Lane. He felt it would be good to put a single track sign at the top of Tynings Lane & another sign directing traffic via Ash Lane to the caves. Roger suggested a no entry sign at the village end of Glencot lane & also a single track sign.
It was suggested that Active Speed Watch should be re started.
Ed Danson said he would find examples of other villages that have no school but have a 20mph speed limit. Ed also said he had been waiting for over 2.5 years for a traffic inspector from Somerset County Council to come to the village, he said we need to compile a list of safety issues & then we may get a response.
All safety issues to be reported to Julia & she will pass them on to Ed Danson.

6: Lockdown experiences publication
Chloe to compile an email to send out asking for residents experiences.

7: Trout Bend Footpath
Discussions took place regarding the fenced off rubbish dump that blocks the footpath leading to Trouts Bend. It was felt that to protect this well used path, we should make an application for it to be recognised as a footpath. We need a volunteer to take this on. It would involve requesting residents to provide witness statements to declare that they had regularly used it & for how long. If enough people have used it for the last 20 year we have ground to make it a recognised footpath.  
Sarah C said she would compile a mailing to be sent out to the WHRF mailing list to try & get a working party created. The law is changing in 2026 & if a path is not on a definitive map, it will not be recognised as a footpath.
Julia to speak to Les Cloutman to see if he is interested in leading the working party.

8: Renewal of website domain name & hosting
John Grange has been doing the domain name & hosting. Julia to ask him if he still is.
Sarah M to see if she can get stats on how the web site is used.

9: New Committee Members
Julia reported that we have 2 or 3 spaces available.

11: Future Events
Bring & Share supper is usually held in Jan. This is unlikely to be held in the ususal way. Julia suggested that we  organise dinner parties for 6 in several houses. More discussion at next meeting.

12: Next meeting via Zoom 9th December 7.30pm, No AGM will be planned, we will discuss further at next meeting.

13: AOB
The Arm Chair field is under threat again, an appeal has been registered with Mendip Council about the rejection of the planning application. Ivor Tetley is trying to get as many residents involved as possible to try & ensure that the appeal gets rejected. He has requested that we email out a flyer asking for people to be involved in an Objectors Group. It was agreed that we should email this out to residents.

The Church recently had a Harvest Festival, a collection was done & they received lots of donations.
It was suggested that the Forum contact the food bank each month & ask what they are short of & email the info to residents. All donations could be left in the church porch. This could be done until the end of the year.
Items currently most needed are; tins of meat, nappies, tampons etc. They do not need anymore pasta as have too much. Julia to speak to Sandy Witter to arrange this.

Wookey Hole Residents Forum Minutes 19th August 2020



Minutes of WHFC meeting via Zoom 19th August 2020

Present Julia Scarth-Chair, Sarah Mardle-Secretary, Roger Hancock-Treasurer, Doug Robinson, Sarah Chambers, Chloe Parish

1: Apologies for absence.    Charlie Chambers, Sue Lee

2: Minutes of last meeting 17th June 2020 were agreed and signed & will be posted on Wookey Hole Website

3: Tribute to Hugh
The members gave feedback on how the village tribute to Hugh Talbott went, a   large number of villagers lined the streets to pay their respects & say a fond farewell to Hugh, it was a very moving moment & Hugh's family were very touched.
Roger proposed and it was agreed that Julia should be reimbursed for the flowers given to Elizabeth on behalf of the Forum      
4: Road working group.
Sarah C has spoken to Mike Pullin about the traffic issues in Wookey Hole & the need for traffic calming measures & he seems very enthusiastic. He has suggested that he walks through the village with members from the Residents Forum to see what the issues are.
Sarah Chambers, Roger Hancock & Julia Scarth will join him. Sarah C to contact Mike Pullin & arrange a suitable date.

Sarah M reported that the scheme figures had been finalised.
Income     £6556.73
Expenses  £6091.00

Profit        £465.73

£400 of this were the 2 donations made by Elizabeth Rennie

6: Treasurer's Report
  £1179.57     Total Opening Bal.- £520 Parish council grant,  £659.57 WHRF
 £1720.30        Closing Bal.
-£540.73         Difference

£ 465.73          LWTST credit
 £  75.00          Milk Hut Cheque not cashed yet
£ 540.73        

7: Neighbourhood Plan
Because Neighbourhood Plans have been used recently to protect local green spaces, the committee discussed whether it would be beneficial to contact Ian Humphreys & Tony Hathway, the Parish Councillors who are working on a draft of the new Neighbourhood Plan. Concerns were raised about whether it was worth any time & effort due to the lack of success last time, but the committee agreed that it would be beneficial to make contact - Julia Scarth to contact them.
The inspector for the Local Plan Part 2 has postponed the planned meeting in October, it will be rescheduled.
All agreed that it was beneficial to email the mailing list when large planning applications were made in & around Wookey Hole.

8; Lockdown experiences
A volunteer has not been found to create a web site for Lockdown Experiences. It was felt that a one off "Lockdown Experiences" publication would be a good idea & Chloe Parish agreed to arrange an email to send out to the mailing list asking for residents experiences.
9: Truespeed
A Truespeed Zoom meeting was held for the villagers but only 5 people attended.
There are approx 230 properties in Wookey Hole & Truespeed need between 90-100 households to sign up for it to be financially viable for them. So far they only have 34 orders.

It was reported that Truespeed costs £47.50 p.m. this includes internet & a phone line. They do 2  telephone call bolt ons -  £6.99 p.m. for 24/7 free telephone calls or £2.99 p.m. for free pm & weekend calls.
When Truespeed have the numbers required they will schedule the installation.
Our contact at Truespeed is Tony & he can be contacted on 07507 765692

10: New Committee Members
Discussion took place about how best to advertise for new committee members.
It was felt that an advert emailed out to the mailing list & also recommendations from committee members would be useful.  

11: Future Events
None to be planned at the moment

12: Next meeting via Zoom 7th October 7.30pm, No AGM will be planned, we will discuss further at next meeting.

13: AOB
None reported

Stay safe stay well.

Wookey Hole Residents Forum Minutes 17/06/20




Minutes of WHFC meeting via Zoom 17th June 2020


Present Julia Scarth-Chair. Sarah Mardle-Secretary. Doug Robinson. Sarah Chambers. Chloe Parish. Sue Lee-taking minutes

1: Apologies for absence.    Charlie Chambers. Roger Hancock

2: Minutes of last meeting 13th May 2020 were agreed and signed

3: Hugh Talbot, founder of WHRF and former chairman passed away on June 12th.
    His funeral will be on 26th June at 1pm, As a mark of respect and to say our final goodbyes,
   all those wishing to, can line the route from his home to the bottom of Milton Lane, an email will be sent to residents.
   Flowers and card to be sent from committee. Julia will arrange. Hugh will be so sorely missed.

4:Feedback on meeting via Zoom with councillors and MPs June 12th
   Present from committee- Julia Scarth. Sarah Mardle, Sarah Chambers and Doug Robinson
   Tessa Munt and James Heapy attended. It was well supported by local residents.
    Ros Wyke leader of MDC answered all questions and notes were taken by Lisa Poole,
   these notes will hopefully be available at the end of next week.
  James Heapy has objected to the planning on Armchair ground.
  He suggested reading 'Living with Beauty' a document that is not yet in Government policy 
5: Road working group.
  An email was sent out to all residents asking what they would like to happen in the village regarding traffic and roads.  Only 6 responses were received so another email will be sent as a reminder.
   As the traffic in Milton Lane has increased due to SAT navs, it was suggested that perhaps a sign could be erected at the top to read 'unsuitable for heavy vehicles' or 'No Access to caves'.
  Mike Pullin was asked about possible 20mph signs to be erected,  but as they have to be in a certain radius of a school, this might not be possible.  Sarah C will phone him and enquire.

6: Treasurer's Report
  £1179 Total
  £520 Parish council grant
  £659 WHRF

   Currently on 12th delivery, people are mostly using scheme as back up, with restrictions lifted they are now doing their own shopping.    

    9 orders this week compared to 21 previous weeks.
    From July 1st, Lisa and Mark Lunnon will soon be opening a fruit and veg shop from Myrtle Farm, they will be offering home delivery.
    This could take over from LWTST which looks likely to finish in July.
    An email will be sent to residents informing them of Myrtle Farm Fruit and Veg.

8: WHRF bank account.
  Julia Scarth, Sarah Chambers and Sarah Mardle are now official signatories.
   Other signatories are Roger Hanock, Nancy Sampson and Hugh Talbot.
   Nancy Sampson & Hugh Talbot's names will be removed after lockdown.

9; Minutes of WHRF web-site 
   It was agreed that starting from last month's meeting 13th May 2020 minutes will now be put on the website.

10: Sharing group
      A new website is being considered for residents to share lockdown experiences, from Art, Music, Recipes etc.
      Unfortunately Nicky Davey, due to other commitments, can't oversee it, but suggested other avenues.
      Sam Mills will be asked if he would like to help to get this up and running.

11: AOB.
     Next meeting via Zoom 29th July 2020 10am

Stay safe stay well.







Dear Residents

The effects of the coronavirus look likely to result in greater disruption to our everyday life.  The Residents Forum want you to know that if you are being affected by the restrictions brought about by the Coronavirus epidemic, you are not alone. Rest assured that there are many people in the village willing to help out (with shopping for example) if you find yourself affected by these issues. Also, it might be that being stuck inside for days you might want to just have a chat with someone.  The following people have said they are happy to help in whatever way they can, so if you find yourself in need of help in some way do give one of us a ring.

Residents Forum Committee

Julia Scarth 672754

Sarah Mardle 672005

Sue Lee 675326

Sarah and Charlie Chambers  674078

Doug Robinson 678271

Hugh Talbot 679678

Roger Hancock 673032

Chloe Parrish

The following have also contacted us to say they would be happy to help too

Katri Healey 678057

Melitta Izzard 678786

Ivor and Caroline Tetley 677282

Best Wishes to all

Wookey Hole Residents Forum


Haybridge Pyrolysis Planning Application

This planning application has been filed regarding a planning application for pyrolysis R&D facilities at Haybridge:  https://planning.somerset.gov.uk/Planning/Display/SCC/3619/2019


Representations must be made by 7th August 2019.


Your Fire Service is Changing: Have Your Say

Under the new proposals, Devon and Somerset Fire & Rescue Service are looking to move underused resources from where the risk is low and invest more into work to reach the most vulnerable members of society and help keep them safe. This includes proposed closures of a number of fire stations where risk and activity is low and the removal of fire engines that are underused.


We want to hear from as many people as we can. We have a number of drop-in consultation events across Devon and Somerset - find out more here: http://dsfire.gov.uk/SaferTogether/ServiceDeliveryConsultation//TakePartInTheConsultation.cfm?siteCategoryId=18&T1ID=211&T2ID=460


Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Service are consulting on proposed changes. Please take part in the consultation to have your say on how the changes could impact you and your life. http://bit.ly/DSFRSconsult  #SaferTogether #DSFRS (please tag us @DSFireUpdates too if you wish)


Your fire service is changing take part in the consultation




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