


Dear Residents

The effects of the coronavirus look likely to result in greater disruption to our everyday life.  The Residents Forum want you to know that if you are being affected by the restrictions brought about by the Coronavirus epidemic, you are not alone. Rest assured that there are many people in the village willing to help out (with shopping for example) if you find yourself affected by these issues. Also, it might be that being stuck inside for days you might want to just have a chat with someone.  The following people have said they are happy to help in whatever way they can, so if you find yourself in need of help in some way do give one of us a ring.

Residents Forum Committee

Julia Scarth 672754

Sarah Mardle 672005

Sue Lee 675326

Sarah and Charlie Chambers  674078

Doug Robinson 678271

Hugh Talbot 679678

Roger Hancock 673032

Chloe Parrish

The following have also contacted us to say they would be happy to help too

Katri Healey 678057

Melitta Izzard 678786

Ivor and Caroline Tetley 677282

Best Wishes to all

Wookey Hole Residents Forum

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