
SCOPC Local Plan Short Update – North Ward

The next stage of the Consultation Process, for the North Ward, started Thursday night at the Wookey Hole Community Hall.

Bring and Share Supper

A few photos from the sell out Village 'Bring-and-Share' supper:

Churchyard Clearing

DSCF6092_300.JPGSunday the 25th January saw a very successful day clearing the chuchyard in preparation for the St Mary Magdalene Community Garden.  We had over 55 villagers, including 10 under 16's over the course of the day, helping to establish the area of ground available to us.  We had the initial plans on display and this generated a good deal of discussion for future possibilities.  

WHRF Committee Minutes Dec 2nd

Wookey Hole Residents Forum

Committee Meeting, Wookey Hole Club

Tuesday 2nd December 2014, 7.30pm

Residents' Forum Committee

Hugh Talbott Chair

Chris Blackford Vice chair

Nicky Venning Secretary

Roger Hancock Treasurer

Louise Burton Committee member

Mary Gaunt Committee member

John Grange Committee member

Julia Scarth Committee member

About the Residents' Forum


Changes made in 2012 to the UK planning laws mean that even small communities are now being asked for their views. What does your community think about flooding; about building a new school; about traffic; for example.

Unlike the neighbouring villages of Priddy and Westbury-sub-Mendip, Wookey Hole is not a parish in its own right, with its own council, but a small part of the much larger parish of St Cuthbert Out. In fact until very recently the community was often thought of as a collection of small hamlets, and not actually as one community.


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