Slow progress is being made on obtaining funding for additional Village Notice Boards. The aim is to stop ‘fly posting’ around the village which is unsightly and
I believe, illegal.
Initially, we are aiming to obtain funding for two notice boards which are priced at £877 20p each. They are hand crafted in English Oak and will be free
standing, weatherproof and lockable.
To date we have received £444 from the New Homes Bonus Fund and £663 from St Cuthbert Out Parish Council for which we are very grateful. This makes a
total of £1107 to date.
We need to obtain another £650 before we place an order for two notice boards.
Currently, I am trying to obtain additional funding from other grants – we know they are available but trying to find them is more difficult, and we plan to have
some fundraising events in the Spring.
Jenny Lewis