As you may be aware the contract for bus service 67 from Burnham-on-Sea to Wells/Wookey Hole is due to expire on 26 November 2016. This was an emergency contract funded and put in place by Somerset County Council after WebberBus ceased trading in May 2016 with the aim of reviewing the service before the expiry date. We have agreed to extend the current contract until 31 December 2016 but unfortunately due to the financial challenges we face as an Authority we are not able to extend the emergency contract any further which means that the service will cease to operate from 31 December.
We [the parish council] are going to hold a consultation for the passengers who use this service, we hope to be able to gather data on where the demand is across this route which may enable us to look at smaller and more sustainable solutions for some areas affected by this service withdrawal. Shortly posters will appear on the bus informing passengers of the impending withdrawal and inviting them to email or write in with their comments.