Notice Board

If there's anything you'd like to publicise in the village, please drop us a line  and we'll put it up for you.  Clubs, businesses, inidividuals, everybody's welcome!


Bulb Planting

St Mary Magdalene Community Garden

Bulb Planting

Lots of people needed to help plant 5000 bulbs

Saturday 29th September 9.30 am to 4.30pm

Come for as long or short a time as you are able. Bring some food to share for lunch at 12.30pm.


Spades and gloves will be useful

See you in Wookey Hole Church Garden


Milton Lane Closure

Milton Lane will be closed from 28 August for 3 days - road works


Log Sale


Sunday 10th December

St Mary Magdalene Church Wookey Hole

12am -3pm

Price of logs will vary on size

Collect and take away on day

All proceeds to the development of

St Mary Magdalene Community Garden


WANTED-- Wookey Hole Musicians- SINGERS & PLAYERS

treble-clef-1911561_960_720.pngThinking ahead to the Festive Season --WANTED-- Wookey Hole Musicians- SINGERS & PLAYERS There is a Village CHRISTMAS event on Sunday Dec 17th in the church " MUSIC & REFRESHMENTS" at 3.30pm  prior to the Carol Service at 4pm. Juliet needs to know now if you are free to join in order to plan the music copies.

 Ist ORCHESTRA REHEARSAL Friday Nov 3rd 3.30pm[ To be confirmed] at 2 The Chilterns & first CHOIR REHEARSAL 3.30pm on Thursday Nov 9th[ also to be confirmed ] at 2 The Chilterns BA51BS

CONTACT Juliet & Lucy  01749.677156 or mobile 07779 0444 94

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