Notice Board

If there's anything you'd like to publicise in the village, please drop us a line  and we'll put it up for you.  Clubs, businesses, inidividuals, everybody's welcome!


There has been an issue with poaching at night in the river at Glencot. Could you please ring the police if you see any unusual cars parked, especially in Titlands Lane/Hurstbatch as they have probably been coming in from this side. (Just for information, I am told there has also been a problem with illegal hunting with dogs this winter in some of the neighbouring villages).


Progress on Mendip Local Plan For Wookey Hole

Attached is the draft Village Summary Assessment for Part II of the Mendip District Local Plan for Wookey Hole.  The assessment sets out;


Update on Number 67 Bus Service

Dear all,



I believe you may already have been contacted with news on the Number 67 bus service between Burnham-on-Sea and Wells/Wookey Hole. If so, this email contains nothing you don’t already know! But just in case…


Draft Mendip Plan for Wookey Hole Available

The MDC draft plan for Wookey Hole is available. If anyone wants a copy, please let me know soonest. It will be an agenda item at the next SCOPC meeting.
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All best wishes for 2017.

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