Attached is the draft Village Summary Assessment for Part II of the Mendip District Local Plan for Wookey Hole. The assessment sets out;
· Provisional assessment of development allocations where required
· Provisional conclusions on Local Green Spaces
· Possible changes to Development Limits
· A summary of responses received during Issues and Options Consultation
· A summary of the suggested overall approach to the village
Wookey Hole Notes for PC.docx | Draft Proposed Housing Allocations and Development Limit.pdf | Draft Proposed Local Green Spaces.pdf | Playing Pitches all Parishes spreadsheet.xlsx |
These assessments have not been formally considered or endorsed yet, so if you would like to feed back your comments, please do so through the Parish Council, who will be discussing it at the Full Council Meeting on 25 January 2017 in Easton. You may attend, or contact them at: You can contact the Parish Clerk here.
If you are a landowner of a potential green space, or if you are aware of sports pitches in the area not documented here, please also let the Parish Council know before their meeting. These could include:
· Tennis
· Bowls
· BMX and skating boarding
· Golf
· Cycling
· Canoeing
· Caving
· Equestrian
· Netball
The current timetable is to bring a draft Local Plan for approval by April 2017 with formal consultation taking place in early summer.