To help to appropriately allocate resources in this important area Crimestoppers and Neighbourhood Watch are surveying members of the public about their general perceptions of domestic violence. This involves completing a very short (and un-intrusive), (3 minutes…honestly!), survey at:- https://www.surveymonkey.
Parish Meeting (by WARD)
• EAST: Wells Cricket Club, BA5 3DJ (WEDNESDAY)
20th September 2017
• NORTH: Easton Village Hall, BA5 1EH (WEDNESDAY)
8th November 2017
• SOUTH: Dinder Village Hall, BA5 3PF (MONDAY)
19th February 2018
• WEST: Coxley Memorial Hall (Main Hall), BA5 1QZ (TUESDAY) (Annual Parish Meeting)
17th April 2018
Full Council
• Wookey Hole Community Hall, Wookey Hole, BA5 1BB (WEDNESDAY)
7th June 2017
6th September 2017
• Dinder Village Hall, Dinder, BA5 3PF (MONDAY)
4th December 2017
23rd April 2018
• Wells Cricket Club, South Horrington, BA5 3DJ (WEDNESDAY)
18th October 2017
14th March 2018
• Easton Village Hall, Easton, BA5 1EH (WEDNESDAY)
19th July 2017
24th January 2018
• Coxley Memorial Hall, BA5 1QZ (Main Hall) (TUESDAY)
15th May 2018
Planning/Finance/Personnel Committees (WEDNESDAY)
• Coxley Memorial Hall, BA5 1QZ
See tables: Schedule of Meetings 2017 and 2018.pdf
24th January 2018 to be held before Full Council (Easton Village Hall)
Working Parties (booked as required)
• Coxley Memorial Hall, BA5 1QZ or Easton Village Hall, BA5 1EH
All meetings will commence at 1900, unless stated otherwise on the Agenda.
Where there is more than one meeting during the evening:
• Planning Committee will always be held first.
• Unless specified to the contrary, the second meeting will commence on the arising of the first.
Agendas, Minutes and Changes to Scheduled Meetings
All documents posted onto the Parish Council website will be in a PDF format, which can be downloaded to most enabled reading devices.
If however you can’t access the web or have problems downloading, please contact the Parish Clerk or your Ward Member for assistance.
Michele Exton is the new Parish Clerk for St Cuthbert Out. Simon Davies is the Responsible Finiancial Officer.
You can contact Michele at:
If you've not heard already, DEFRA has issued an Avian Flu 'Prevention Zone' in an attempt to minimise the effect of a particular virulent form of bird flu this year.
Everybody who has poultry must follow the instructions you'll find on the link and keep your birds indoors or make sure they have no contact with wild birds. If everybody does their bit for biosecurity & keeps their flocks separate from wild birds, then hopefully we can keep this disease from becoming a bigger problem.