
About Invasive Weeds

Unfortunately there is currently a lot of Himalayan Balsam and Japanese Knotweed growing in and around Wookey Hole.
The following information has been provided by Natural England

“It is important that you can identify both these plants so you can control them in the most appropriate way if they grow on your property.
You are required to prevent plants on your property from spreading into the wild.
You are required to prevent plants on your land from spreading on to a neighbour’s property.

You could be fined up to £5,000 or be sent to prison for up to 2 years if you allow contaminated soil or plant material you transfer to spread into the wild. Allowing either of these plants to grow on your land could affect your ability to obtain a mortgage on your property”.


For further details see:-


Natural England and the Environment Agency can provide advice on what to do if you have these plants on your land, but the first step is knowing what the plants look like.

japanese-knotweed1.jpg Japanese-knotweed2.jpg
Japanese Knotweed  
himalayan-balsam-.jpg HimalayanBalsam2.jpg
Himalayan Balsam  
Spanish Bluebell.jpg Native UK Bluebell.jpg
Spanish Bluebell Native Bluebell


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