
Events in Wookey Hole Village for May 2024

5th May        St Mary Magdalene Church – Holy Communion 9.30am

6th May        WH WI 2pm Wookey Hole Caves Hotel all welcome – contact Jill Deans for info 01749 675477

7th May        WH Ladies Club 2.30pm WH Club

8th  May       Open Mic Night 7.30pm - Wookey Hole Club

11th May       WHRF Monthly Coffee Morning – 10.30am-1pm WH Club

12th May       St Mary Magdalene Church – Morning Prayer 9.30am

12th May       WH Cricket match (TBA) 2pm start WH Cricket Ground

12th May       The Wookey Hole Cinema showing “Anatomy of a Fall” 7.30pm WH Club (Upstairs) Wookey Hole Club Members £6.00 Guests £8.00.

15th May       WH Cricket match (Shaftsbury Rd) 6pm start WH Cricket Ground

17th May       WH Lunch Club 12.30pm Dinder Village Hall (For further details please                               contact Lyn on 01749 671912)

18th May       Wells Boxing Club holding an evening of amateur boxing – Wookey Hole Caves Restaurant – doors open 6pm for a 7.30pm start

19th May       Pentecost at St Cuthbert’s Parish Church 10.45am

19th May       WH Cricket match (Failand) 2pm start WH Cricket Ground

22nd  May     Soul Dough Pizza  6pm – 9pm – Car park opposite Wookey Hole Club

22nd  May     Open Mic Night 7.30pm - Wookey Hole Club

26th May      St Mary Magdalene Church – Morning Prayer 9.30am

29th May      Magic & Illusion show – Wookey Hole Caves Theatre 6.30pm

The Wookey Hole Inn is open 7 days a week & serving food Monday to Saturday 12pm-2.30pm & 5.30pm-8.30pm, Sundays 12pm-3pm Tel. 01749 676677

The Wookey Hole Club www.wookeyholeclub.co.uk is open 7 days a week – Mon-Frid 4pm-11pm, Saturday 1pm-12am & Sunday 12pm – 10pm (has Skittles, Darts, Cricket & Pool teams)

If you have events you would like adding please email 

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Events in Wookey Hole Village for April 2024

31st Mar       Easter Dawn Service 6.30am for 1 hour – Deerleap Standing Stones (Ref: ST51804876 on the road between Wookey Hole and Priddy)

31st Mar       St Mary Magdalene Church – Easter Holy Communion 11am

31st Mar       WHCC Annual Duck Race - Easter Sunday 11.30am - WH Caves Car Park, Ducks can be bought in advance from the WH Club

31st Mar       Wookey Hole Club 1.30pm Live Music - Silverline

1st Apr         The Sheriff playing at the Wookey Hole Inn – Easter Monday Afternoon

2nd Apr        WH Ladies Club 2.30pm WH Club

6th Apr        WHRF Monthly Coffee Morning – 10.30am-1pm WH Club

6th Apr        140th Anniversary Victorian Fancy Dress & Supper WH Club 7pm (book meal via club by 1st Apr)

6th Apr        Matt Black - The Piano Man playing at WH Club from 9pm

7th Apr        St Mary Magdalene Church – Holy Communion 9.30am

8th Apr        WH WI 2pm Wookey Hole Caves Hotel all welcome – contact Jill Deans for info 01749 675477

8th Apr        Wookey Hole Club AGM 7.30pm

10th Apr       Open Mic Night 7.30pm - Wookey Hole Club

14th Apr       St Mary Magdalene Church – Morning Prayer 9.30am

14th Apr       The Wookey Hole Cinema showing “One Life” 7.30pm WH Club (Upstairs) Wookey Hole Club Members £6.00 Guests £8.00.

19th Apr       WH Lunch Club 12.30pm Dinder Village Hall (For further details please contact Lyn on 01749 671912)

21st Apr       St Mary Magdalene Church – Holy Communion 9.30am

24th Apr       Open Mic Night 7.30pm - Wookey Hole Club

28th Apr      WH Cricket match (Southstoke) 2pm start WH Cricket Ground

28th Apr      St Mary Magdalene Church – Holy Communion 9.30am


The Wookey Hole Inn is open 7 days a week & serving food Monday to Saturday 12pm-2.30pm & 5.30pm-8.30pm, Sundays 12pm-3pm Tel. 01749 676677

The Wookey Hole Club www.wookeyholeclub.co.uk is open 7 days a week – Mon-Frid 4pm-11pm, Saturday 1pm-12am & Sunday 12pm – 10pm (has Skittles, Darts, Cricket & Pool teams)

If you have events you would like adding please email wThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Events in Wookey Hole Village for March 2024

2nd Mar        WHRF Monthly Coffee Morning – 10.30am-1pm WH Club

3rd Mar        St Mary Magdalene Church – Holy Communion 11am-12pm

4th Mar        WH WI 2pm Wookey Hole Caves Hotel all welcome – contact Jill Deans for info 01749 675477

5th Mar        WH Ladies Club 2.30pm WH Club

10th Mar       St Mary Magdalene Church – Mothering Sunday 11am-12pm

10th Mar       The Wookey Hole Cinema showing “The Miracle Club” 7.30pm WH Club (Upstairs)Wookey Hole Club Members £6.00 Guests £8.00.

13th Mar       Open Mic Night 7.30pm - Wookey Hole Club

15th Mar       WH Lunch Club 12.30pm Dinder Village Hall (For further details please contact Lyn on 01749 671912)

17th Mar       St Mary Magdalene Church – Holy Communion 11am-12pm

24th Mar      Mary Magdalene Church – Palm Sunday 11am-12pm

27th Mar      Open Mic Night 7.30pm - Wookey Hole Club

29th Mar      Mary Magdalene Church – Good Friday 2pm-3pm

31st Mar       Mary Magdalene Church – Easter Holy Communion 11am-12pm

31st Mar       WHCC Annual Duck Race - Easter Sunday 11.30am - WH Caves Car Park, Ducks can be bought in advance from the WH Club

The Wookey Hole Inn is open 7 days a week & serving food Monday to Saturday 12pm-2.30pm & 5.30pm-8.30pm, Sundays 12pm-3pm Tel. 01749 676677

The Wookey Hole Club www.wookeyholeclub.co.uk is open 7 days a week – Mon-Frid 4pm-11pm, Saturday 1pm-12am & Sunday 12pm – 10pm (has Skittles, Darts, Cricket & Pool teams)

If you have events you would like adding please email 

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Wookey Hole coffee morning Saturday March 2nd, 10.30am - 1.00pm at Wookey Hole Club

Hello everyone
The second Wookey Hole coffee morning was a great success with 35-40 people there (it got so busy we lost count!).
Forum committee representatives had a very positive follow up meeting with Wookey Hole Club about finding new ways to collaborate to serve the village as a community, with an agreement that as a start the Club will host the village coffee morning regularly (first Saturday of the month) with the next one Saturday March 2nd, 10.30am  - 1.00pm at the Wookey Hole Club.
As before, tea, coffees and home-baked treats will again be available; everyone welcome.
See you there!
Other news: there are various environmental offers and grants opportunities available for communities like ours, from free trees for planting to small grants for environmentally focused activities. If you are interested in being part of an environmental working group for the village please get in touch (or come along to the coffee morning!)
Kind regards
Wookey Hole Residents Forum

Events in Wookey Hole Village for February 2024

3rd Feb        WHRF Monthly Coffee Morning – 10.30am-1pm WH Club

4th Feb        St Mary Magdalene Church – Holy Communion 11am-12pm

5th Feb        WH WI 2pm Wookey Hole Caves Hotel all welcome – contact Jill Deans for info 01749 675477

6th Feb        WH Ladies Club 2.30pm WH Club

7th Feb         Open Mic Night 7.30pm - Wookey Hole Club

11th Feb       St Mary Magdalene Church – Morning Prayer 11am-12pm

11th Feb       The Wookey Hole Cinema showing Past Lives (12A) 7.30pm WH Club (Upstairs) Wookey Hole Club Members £6.00 Guests £8.00.

16th Feb       WH Lunch Club 12.30pm Dinder Village Hall (For further details please contact Lyn on 01749 671912)

18th Feb       St Mary Magdalene Church – Holy Communion 11am-12pm

18th Feb       WH Cricket Club AGM 7pm WH Club

21st Feb       Open Mic Night 7.30pm - Wookey Hole Club

23rd Feb      Celebrating 140 Years of the WH Club - The Monos (New Wave 5 piece band) 8pm WH Club

25th Feb      Mary Magdalene Church – Holy Communion 11am-12pm


The Wookey Hole Inn is open 7 days a week & serving food Monday to Saturday 12pm-2.30pm & 5.30pm-8.30pm, Sundays 12pm-3pm Tel. 01749 676677

The Wookey Hole Club www.wookeyholeclub.co.uk is open 7 days a week – Mon-Frid 4pm-11pm, Saturday 1pm-12am & Sunday 12pm – 10pm (has Skittles, Darts, Cricket & Pool teams)

If you have events you would like adding please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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