
Events in Wookey Hole Village for June 2024

Events in Wookey Hole Village for June 2024

1st June        WHRF Monthly Coffee Morning – 10.30am-1pm WH Club

2nd June       St Mary Magdalene Church – Holy Communion 9.30am

2nd June       WH Cricket match (Litton) 2pm start WH Cricket Ground

3rd June       WH WI 2pm Wookey Hole Caves Hotel all welcome – contact Jill Deans for info 01749 675477

4th June       WH Ladies Club 2.30pm WH Club

5th June       WH Cricket match (Priddy) 2pm start WH Cricket Ground

7 & 8th June Wells Ballet School performing Peter Pan at WH Caves – 6pm

8th  June      Sam Evans & his band (Glastonbury set preview) 8pm - Wookey Hole Club

9th June       St Mary Magdalene Church – Morning Prayer 9.30am

9th  June      Quiz night 7.30pm for 8pm start £2 per person (max 6 in a team) WH Club

12th  June     Soul Dough Pizza  6pm – 9pm – Car park opposite Wookey Hole Club

12th  June     Open Mic Night 7.30pm - Wookey Hole Club

14th June      Soul Dough Pizza – Underwood Business Park 5.30pm – 8.30pm

16th June    St Mary Magdalene Church – Holy Communion 9.30am

16th June      WH Cricket match (Allerton) 2pm start WH Cricket Ground

21st June      WH Lunch Club 12.30pm Dinder Village Hall (For further details please                               contact Lyn on 01749 671912)

22nd  June    Greenbush Nature Reserve (Doctors Hill, Wookey) open day – young reserve started in 2014, fast developing.  Donations appreciated-plants, refreshments & advice on hand

23rd June     St Mary Magdalene Church – Holy Communion 9.30am

23rd June     Grand opening of the new WH Cricket pavilion with Mr Harris. Also an in house cricket match, open to anyone to play - 2pm start WH Cricket Ground  

26th  June    Soul Dough Pizza  6pm – 9pm – Car park opposite Wookey Hole Club

28th June     Soul Dough Pizza – Underwood Business Park 5.30pm – 8.30pm

30th June     St Mary Magdalene Church – Holy Communion 9.30am

The Wookey Hole Inn is open 7 days a week & serving food Monday to Saturday 12pm-2.30pm & 5.30pm-8.30pm, Sundays 12pm-3pm Tel. 01749 676677

The Wookey Hole Club www.wookeyholeclub.co.uk is open 7 days a week – Mon-Frid 4pm-11pm, Saturday 1pm-12am & Sunday 12pm – 10pm (has Skittles, Darts, Cricket & Pool teams)

If you have events you would like adding please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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