
Ladies Club 2nd November 2021 2.30-4pm



Ladies Club meets next on the first Tuesday in November (2nd) 2.30-4pm. We will be making decorations under the guidance of our lovely Sue Williams. She sells her own cards in Wells and is great with getting us non-artists making amazing decorations.


Wookey Hole Ladies Club started as a church group of ladies, run by the then vicar’s wife, in the early 70s. Meetings were held in the evenings in church. These days we meet in the village community hall, although we no longer have a connection with the church. We still have some founder members living in the village. Subscription is £3 per year and £2 per meeting, this covers the village hall rent, fees for speakers and members’ refreshments.

We normally meet on the first Tuesday of the month, from 2.30-4pm; in July we have our annual outing and in August we meet in a member’s garden for tea and cakes. In December we have our annual Christmas lunch in a nearby pub.

The committee meets at members’ homes three times a year to discuss forthcoming events and set the programme for the next year, which coincides with the academic year, September to September. We currently have 23 members and new members are always welcome, including ladies from outside Wookey Hole. We have speakers on subjects such as avoiding scams, local history, bats and equestrian experiences. Our next meeting is on November 2nd at the Wookey Hole community hall, when we will be making decorations with the expert help of our local artist. We would love to see new ladies there.

Linda Danson, Secretary, Wookey Hole Ladies Club.

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