
Wookey Hole WI: October 2019 Report


A warm welcome was expressed by President Jill to everyone including Chloe our Speaker and two guests.

Sadly Jill informed them that Joan Hill, a much respected, very active and long standing former member has died.

joan hill

She would have been 100 in March .Prior to joining our WI she was a member of the Rylstone WI of 'Calender Girls' fame . She was computer literate and her ability was admired by our members.

Ten shoeboxes filled with'goodies'were brought to the meeting .These will join the many being made by WI ladies all over Somerset and will be given to young adults at Christmas time.

Our speaker was Chloe Tyghe from Dairy House Farm . She works with homeless people and told us about life at the farm

They try to be self sufficient and residents stay for three months . They work closely with the Connect Centre and Elim Centre.

We than heard from two very courageous ladies. Dawn and Michaela told us how they had found themselves homeless and the difficulties that they, and others like them had endured. They bravely told us their stories and about their journey from the Connect centre to the Evergreens Hostel on the outskirts of Wells.

Residents are able to stay there for a year whilst efforts are made to enable them to move on safely and securely.

Michaela summed it up when she said that she now felt safe wanted and cared for .

Chloe told us that rural homlessness is easier to hide as there are woods and barns around . City homelessness is more easily seen.

Lesley H was the right person to thank them as she is closely associated with Citizens Advise and understood their plight.

Our guests judged the competition for a sentimental garden tool

1st Jan   2nd Sue H  3rd
Jill .......Flower of the Month  1st Pat 2nd Jill 3rd Sue H.

Monday of the month 2.30pm at Wookey Hole Community Centre.

                          Jill Deane    Photo attached of Joan Hill
.......See details in script

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