Jill welcomed everyone including our tellers Lynne and
Patsy from Croscombe WI
We commenced our meeting with a rousing rendition of 'Jerusalem'
A few interesting events are due as summer approaches and plans for these were put in place. They include afternoon tea at Jills house, a visit to the Lavender Farm and lunch at Sue's.
Resolutions were discussed . Lesley H addressed the Country Bus Resolution and Myrtle tackled the Pro's and Con's of Cervical Smear Tests
Both were unanimously passed although some slight change of wording was suggested for the resolution about smear tests.
We voted for discretion for both resolutions.
Presentation and adoption of the Financial, the Committee and the Presidents report followed. Jenny thanked Jill,the President and Anne thanked the Committee.
Two of our committee members decided not to stand this year. Jill thanked Elizabeth and Rose for their outstanding contribution over the years.
Two new members were proposed and Jill welcomed Pat and Lavinia to the team.
There were no further nominations for President and Jill was willing to continue in the post. The tellers were thanked , competitions
were judged, and refreshments enjoyed.
We meet on the 1st Monday of the month at 2.30pm in Wookey Hole Community Hall
Visitors and new members are most welcome
Jill Deane
Wookey Hole WI