It was almost a 'full house' at our December meeting and seasonal celebrations were top
of the agenda.
Christmas jumpers were in abundance ,a bumper raffle , music, and a table laden with festive
goodies set the scene.
Mulled wine was consumed whilst the ladies pondered over a Christmas Quiz provided by
Sue H. We then invited everyone to draw on their artistic skills by cutting out a shape and
adding it to a blank sheet of paper. We did provide some templates if needed.
Gradually a rather lovely Nativity picture emerged .
The end result was much better than we expected !
Our masterpiece will now be displayed at the Nativity Festival at St Cuthberts Church.
Jill thanked everyone for making poppies and sharing their personal stories for our Remembrance display in November.
Thanks were also expressed to those who had brought 'goodies' for the food bank.
Sounds of "Happy Christmas" echoed around the hall as members made their way home.
Jill Deane Picture of our masterpiece provided and also a party picture.