
What's On May2018 (2)

Click here to see the What's on full size:   WHWO June 2018 page 1 & 2pdf.pdf 

The Events can also be found in the website calendar.


What's On August 2018

Click here to see the What's on full size:   WHWO August 2018 page 1 & 2.pdf 

The Events can also be found in the website calendar.


Samhain Bonfire Evening

Samhain Bonfire Evening

Saturday 24th October at 6pm


Wookey Hole Wildlife Blog 5 - Late September


5. Wookey Hole Wildlife - Late September

The Indian Summer is fading away , as I write the Mendips are shrouded in mist .

Every season has its pluses and minuses and Autumn is the time for mushrooms! Since I moved back to Somerset 25 years ago I must have eaten 30 species of fungi.  Some are edible and excellent, some very indifferent – but I would never advise anyone on which to eat and which to leave alone. There are literally thousands of similar species and some can do serious harm, even the experts can come unstuck and I am no expert.

Below are two to leave alone!


 1.    The Fly AgaricAmanita muscaria  is usually found under birch trees. The Lapp people for centuries have used this to induce visions – but it can lead to a deathlike state and eventually to the heart stopping altogether.


Photo Competition Results

Thanks to all who entered the photo competion - we had lots of great entries, which made for an interesting job choosing the winners.

The winners were announced at the Church Fete and were as follows:

Adult Competition

Winner - Entry 32 by John Clarke


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