Minutes of WHRF AGM 13th October 2022

Minutes of WHRF AGM

Wookey Hole Community Hall 13th October 2022

Committee members present Julia Scarth - Chair, Doug Robinson, Joanna Davey, Sarah Chambers, Charlie Chambers, Jo Plimmer, Dave Plimmer

19 Wookey Hole residents in attendance1:

Apologies for absence. Mike Pullin, Sarah and Steve Mardle, Eileen Gibbs, Paul Cannon, Less and Bett Cloutman, Lyn Astle

2: Minutes of last meeting 18th November 2021 were agreed and signed & will be posted on the Wookey Hole Village Website

3: Welcome and introduction of the committee members and Julia welcomed new members Jo and Dave Plimmer. Confirmation of the committee for next year and voted in favour to leave the committee as it is.

Julia gives thanks to Chloe Parish and Roger Hancock who have left the committee.

4.:Treasurer’s Report - Sarah C
Sarah C reported that the current bank balance is £1800.53 (£520 being held for Parish Council Grant) this includes an amount of £540.73 which was a donation from LWTST

4: Change to the constitution.
The chair proposed that Elm close should be removed from the constitution and all present voted in favour

5: Chair Person’s Report
Julia reported on what has happened this year and up and coming events for the rest of the year, a welcome sheet for new villagers was introduced as an idea. Julia gave a brief breakdown of the workings of the Parish Council. A big thankyou to the Village community hall which will no longer be available due to ill repair.

6: Working party report: Road working group update, Sarah Chambers.
The working party has worked hard over the last couple of years to accumulate a large amount of data on the traffic flow through the Village, this has been done with the help of volunteers manually counting traffic movement and with council provided digital counting machines. There has been a walk through in the Village with local councillors and discussions on how to improve traffic movement with local business. The report is ready to be written up and offers to do this in the correct manner have been made. The report is yet to be finished and sent as the council are busy with the new council set up. Sarah Chambers asked if anyone was interested in joining her on this working party but no interest was shown on the night.

7: Consideration for any new working parties.
The chair asked for any new working party ideas to be suggested.
Colin Davey suggested continuing to improve the bus shelter and that he wouldn’t mind pursuing this. Julia thanked Colin for his work on the bus shelter benches. The idea of a notice board and lighting were suggested. Jo Plimmer introduced the idea of Heritage lottery funding for this and would be happy to help with a grant application if we were to move the group forward. Sarah Chambers brought up the footpath working party and whether it is still functioning.

8: Audience questions and answers
What is happening with the community hall?
The chair explains due to degeneration it will be taken back by the caves for possible storage use. Suggested that we could have a conversation with the caves on a joint venture to gain a grant to rebuild. Forum will take this forward.
Other options for new meeting places were discussed such as the Wookey Hole club or the caves hotel. Jo Plimmer suggested a working party for this, nothing decided as yet. Audience feels a discussion with the hotel would be best option as there are access limitations on the club and other venues in the village.
Coronation event discussed. Are the caves doing anything? Possible street parties? Bank holiday? Street closures? The possibility of joining up with the club on ideas. The idea of the cricket ground area at the Glencot was raised. Need to find out if the Caves are open and discuss more.

9: Forthcoming events
The chair introduced the tree planting events
26th November -walk 2nd December - planting

10: adjourned for beer wine and cheese and informal discission

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