
Notice of WHRF Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2023

Dear all

We hereby give notice that the Annual General Meeting of Wookey Hole Residents’ Forum will take place on Tuesday 12th December 7.00 - 8.00pm upstairs in the Skittle Alley at Wookey Hole Club.

All residents are automatically members of the Forum and welcome, and encouraged, to attend the AGM.

Re-election of the committee

1. The current WHRF Forum committee are standing to continue for a further year if approved by members at the AGM.

Chair: Jo PlimmerVice chair: vacant - re-considering as Co-ChairSecretary: Sarah MardleTreasurer: Sarah Chambers Committee member: Joanna DaveyCommittee member: Charlie ChambersCommittee member: Dave Plimmer

2. Verity Lake has joined the committee as an un-elected committee member over the last year, and has already been a huge help in enabling the success of recent forum events.

Verity is standing for election to formally join the committee.

3. Doug Robinson has resigned from the committee; we are all very grateful for his support and efforts over the years and wish him well.

4. We are looking for new people to join the committee, including to support us on minute-taking and social media, and also to step into the role of Vice Chair (which we propose to change to Co-Chair).

If you are interested in either of these roles, or getting more involved in the Forum and committee in any other ways, please get in touch.

Election of these roles will be at the next General Meeting.

Other business

The meeting will include annual reports on the last year from the Chair and Treasurer.

Following the formal business there will be a chance to socialise with other village residents. Cold drinks available from the Club Bar downstairs, and tea and coffee in the Skittle Alley along with seasonal snacks.

We look forward to seeing you on 12th December.

Kind regards

WHRF Committee

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