Jo Plimmer-Chair, Sarah Chambers-Treasurer, Joanna Davey, Verity Lake
Apologies for absence
Charlie Chambers, Dave Plimmer, Sarah Mardle, Doug Robinson
Minutes of last meeting
held 23rd March 2023 were agreed but will check with Doug for quorate
Welcome Verity Lake! Brief intro to the Forum and what its aims are, and the committee
Treasurers report
Current balance in the WHRF account: £1,539.64 £520 is being held for the Parish Council grant (Neighbourhood Plan) Leaving a balance of £1019.64
Working Group reports:
Alternative community space;
One meeting in January to explore alternatives Task of group since then to investigate/shortlist Findings to date: Several groups have started using alternative spaces in village in the last few months WH Hotel: WI WH Club: Ladies Club, Lunch Club and Cinema Club. Latter attracting bigger audience since the move. Hotel use limited by needs of guests and business; couldn’t accommodate all groups. Club happy and interested in exploring and enabling more community use. Fits with their purpose. Broader issues around logistics and accessibility which perhaps the Forum could work with them on? Wookey Hole Church a genuine option but likely to be more complex, requiring significant investment and complex permissions. A long term option. Other options which are unlikely (long list): St Cuthberts Mill Lodge (needing refurbishment, not easy to negotiate as under control of demolition company: too far from village) Corner of land near allotments (due to distance, access, parking) Former Community Hall site (building too far gone, site too close to the resort) Still to investigate: feasibility of various Glencot options put forward including alongside cricket pavilion. Action: Sarah and Charlie to explore with Mr Harris via Graham Communication
What’s on email
All agreed Sarah M doing a great job on this. The list is much broader; great to see cricket and pizzas on the list!
Coronation email
All agreed to this, and to also add the link to the Armchair Field planning application etc. Sarah C to email Sarah M about this so she can get the email out Thursday
Sarah M and Jo started looking at this: move this to next meeting when Sarah M attending
Discussion around Somerset Community Foundation application (to help with website & village connections etc) hard to do this without first finding out from village what is needed (see below)
August Cream Tea at Glencot (Charlie and Sarah to ask Graham and Mr Harris to arrange date alongside cricket)
Tree planting discussion around wider context for replacing the millennium trees of Ash dieback impact on our area. Also, whether village can engage with Caves and other landowners and stakeholders to encourage and work with them on a broader approach to tree planting. Somerset Community Foundation suggest sources for trees and grant funding if need and opportunities there. Action: Jo to ask Julia and David for advice, and then potentially explore with Woodland Trust first
December Christmas meal idea move to next meeting but Sarah C noted request from village for Christmas tree. Discussion around planting a tree, or doing something temporary to begin with.
New idea (Charlie and Jo on their Bristol commutes together) Wookey Hole village witch trail (like scarecrow trail). Caves are very interested and have offered to support with marketing and prize (eg weekend in a chalet with hot tub). Positive at meeting; need to get views of rest of committee.
Potential Committee Projects/Tasks Mendip Hills Grant and Somerset Community Foundation - discussions & actions coming out of this - Sarah C/Jo
Safeguarding policy
(Jo offered to action)
Village questionnaire
Joanna suggested beginning process with Coffee Morning at the Club, inviting representatives from the Club and other Village groups to attend Then flyering village to check what we’ve heard and had suggested at event. Invite village clubs, Club and Caves and circus school to share things (Sarah and Jo to get together and organise a to do list and plan of action) Dates: 25th June or 2nd July? Early afternoon at club? 2-4?
Websites & socials
to be discussed next meeting, Sarah M and Jo looking in to this Should we be considering a Facebook page – perhaps need to consider paying for professional help
Local Planning Applications
An appeal has been raised regarding the 50 houses planning request at Armchair Field. Ivor Tetley is engaging a planning officer to defend this. Poster to be circulated to the email group by Sarah Mardle
Tree plaques options: take this off agenda until we know what we are doing about tree planting
Sarah C suggested hamper to thank Julia for all she has done for the village and Forum. Sarah to action and get back to committee.
Date, time and venue of next meeting
After June/July event, but event working party before