Minutes of WHRF committee meeting held at The WH Club 7th February 2023

Minutes of WHRF committee meeting held at The WH Club 7.30pm 7th February 2023

Present Julia Scarth-Chair, Sarah Mardle -Secretary, Doug Robinson, Joanna Davey, Jo Plimmer, Dave Plimmer,

Apologies for absence Sarah Chambers-Treasurer Charlie Chambers

Minutes of last meeting held 3rd November 2022 were agreed and signed and will be posted on the Wookey Hole website.

Treasurers report
Current balance in the WHRF account: £1,539.64
£520 is being held for the Parish Council grant (Neighbourhood Plan)  
Leaving a balance of £1019.64

Elizabeth Rennie’s donation to LWTST during covid
Elizabeth Rennie approved plans to donate 50% of this money to the Elim Church for the Food Bank at the Connect Centre & 50% to be held by WHRF to be used for whatever use they wanted to make of it.  The idea of using it towards the Coronation celebrations in the village on 06/05/2023 she thought would be fine. The Elim Church were very grateful for this donation.

New Venues for community groups
At the last Wookey Hole Residents Forum (WHRF) AGM last October, a number of people expressed concern at the loss of the community hall and showed an interest in exploring an alternative option.
As a result of this, the Wookey Hole Community Space working group was created by Jo Plimmer & the first meeting was held with 5 local residents on 26/01/23.
A number of venues were suggested & members of the working party are to investigate these further. They also agreed to draft a flyer / questionnaire for villagers and community to test the need and uses required.
They will meet again in March to discuss their findings.

WH Whats On
Jenny is standing down from producing the WH Whats On email. Sarah M said she would have a look at producing it until a new volunteer is found.

WH Website alternatives
Further investigations need to be done about how other villages websites work.
Jo suggested that she contact Somerset Community Group for advice.
Sarah to speak to WH Club secretary & their web designer to see how their web site is set up & what it's linked to.

Local Planning Applications
The Homestead Park planning refusal appeal lodged by the Caves has been dismissed by the Central Government Planning Inspector.

Tree walk 26/11/22 feedback
The event was a bit wet but a great success. Afterwards in the WH Club, the delicious cakes & lovely old village photos supplied by Dave Hudsmith were greatly enjoyed by all who attended.

The ideas for how to attach the plaques will be discussed at the next meeting.
Future Events
The annual Bring & Share supper could be re planned for March '23. Sarah M to ask the WH Club if it could be held there.
King Charles Coronation 06/05/23 WH Caves are closed that saturday so we could ask to use car park area for a village fete? Sarah M to ask WH club if they have anything planned, and if Sandy might consider coordinating an event. A couple of ideas included a cake and hat competition.
Tree planting that was due to take place in Feb '23 will now be postponed until November '23
Glencott Cream Tea August '23, Charlie to ask Graham if this is possible

Julia to find out more from the pub about costs, capacity and menu options for having a village meal there at the end of the year sometime.  

Traffic in Village
To discuss at next meeting

Mendip Hill Projects Tree Planting Grant
To discuss at next meeting

Les Cloutman has information about the TPO's in the village & will provide it to anyone wishing to take this up.

Julia to look at Webinar for Somerset Emergency Community Contacts on 14th March

Next meeting  7.30pm 9th March 2023 in WH Club

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