Minutes of WHRF committee meeting held at The WH Club 8.00pm 8th Sept 2022
Present Julia Scarth-Chair, Sarah Chambers-Treasurer, Doug Robinson, Joanna Davey, Jo Plimmer. Joined by Charlie Chambers after Treasurers Report.
Apologies for absence Sarah Mardle, Dave Plimmer
Welcome to Jo Plimmer (and in absence Dave Plimmer) who are interested in joining the committee.
Matter of note: news announced just prior to the meeting, that Queen Elizabeth II has died. The committee acknowledged our sadness on this historic day.
Minutes of last meeting held 1st August 2022
Error noted and amended: Paul Cannon (Parish Councillor) not Sarah Chamber, speaking to Caves about signage.
Amended minutes were agreed and signed and will be posted on the Wookey Hole website.
Traffic in village: Sarah C to pick this up mid-September.
Treasurers report
Sarah C reported that £428.17 has been received from the Wookey Hole 2000 account (Santander) which has now been closed. Julia Scarth and Katy Smith who were on the WH2000 cttee managed to get the remaining funds transferred over.
Background for Jo P: Wookey Hole 2000 ran for 3 or 4 years and was the previous equivalent to WHRF but formed specifically to celebrate the Millenium.
Current balance in the WHRF account: £1,877.56
£520 is being held for the Parish Council grant (Neighbourhood Plan) and £540.73 for Let’s Weather the Storm (LWTS)
Closing balance after the above is £816.83
Sarah C will check if an amount has come in from moneys accrued through the protest around the Pyrolysis Plant. If not Sarah C will follow up with Roger and let Julia know.
LWTS money - this was donated by Elizabeth Rennie towards food delivery. Julia to follow up with Ivor and Elizabeth as to whether this should be held or returned.
Tree map and tree event plans (National Tree Planting Week)
Noted this has even more significance now with the passing of the Queen. 5 trees have survived, 2 have died. Dates confirmed for these public events as:
2.00 - 3.30pm 26th November - Village walk
Agreed plans as an hour and a half walk, led by Julia and Doug, followed by seasonal refreshments at the Club. Julia will check this with Club (Manny). Sarah C suggested ribbon tying - supported by committee. Sarah C will look into and purchase ribbons (biodegradable options).
Events to be promoted through poster and website (Joanna has drafted poster). Agreed to register interest via email in order to know numbers for teas and scones.
Jo asked about website - Sarah Mardle maintains currently.
Discussion around whether this might become an annual event, and how to mark the two ‘lost’ trees, and also what to do about the tree plaques. Julia and Jo to investigate with Forge in early October when Julia is back from holiday.
11.00am - 3.00pm 3rd December - Come help plant trees
Agreed plans to undertake planting with a lunch break and refreshments on offer. Charlie offered to make soup, Jo offered to make bread (or purchase if the baking doesn’t happen).
AGM Preparations
Date: 7.30pm 13th October in Community Hall
Joanna to create A5 flyer publicising AGM and how to join Forum. Committee to distribute flyers around village letterboxes to encourage attendance, as all noted new residents moving into the village who may not receive notice by email or see posters.
Agreed to offer additional incentive to attend by providing locally sourced refreshments.
Julia to ask Mike (Pullin) about provision of 2 kilos of cave aged cheddar.
Charlie to ask Sante wines (donation or sale or return).
Sarah Mardle to ask Wookey Ales about donation (donation or sale or return).
Committee positions: Chair and Secretary. Jo expressed cautious interest in volunteering as Chair, but would like to find out more about what this entails from Julia in October.
Community Hall Closure
Hall is closing at the end of October. Current groups are exploring other options; cinema club is homeless currently. To discuss further at next meeting.
Julia and Doug will be away 14th - 29th September.
Next meeting 7.30pm 13th October in Community Hall (AGM)