Minutes of WHFC meeting via Zoom 14th April 2021
Present Julia Scarth-Chair, Sarah Mardle-Secretary, Doug Robinson, Roger Hancock, Sarah Chambers, Charlie Chambers, Chloe Parish
1: Apologies for absence. none
2. Minutes of last meeting 10th February 2021 were agreed and signed & will be posted on Wookey Hole Website
3: Treasurers Report - Sarah C
Sarah C reported one expense for the shelving in the phone box.
The current bank balance is £1588.50 (£520 being held for Parish council grant) and we are holding £540.73 for LWTST leaving WHRF's balance of £527.77
4: The Phone Box book exchange
Colin Babb very kindly built some shelving for the phone box. A team of 6 volunteers have taken on the task of monitoring it & keeping it organised. It is now filled with a good selection of books, puzzles & seeds.
5. Road working group.
Sarah C reported that they have been working on the road sheets supplied by Ed, marking where current signs are & highlighting possible obstacles & parking areas. This information will be passed to the Parish Council to be submitted as part of a report to be submitted to Somerset County Council.
Julia to send out an email asking for volunteers to help collect information.
SCC have just funded some Automatic Traffic Counters to measure the traffic flow in & around the village. This data will be collected during the summer months.
The residents of Priddy have managed to get some roads taken off Satnavs via a web site that links to Google maps & Satnavs. Sarah M will speak to Paul Cannon to see if he knows how they did it.
6) Future Events - Roger
Roger has emailed Julia a list of ideas, we will discuss these further at the next meeting when we know more about the easing of lockdown.
The village hall is not due to be available until September due to works needed to the roof.
Julia reported that there will be a village picnic in the church grounds on 18/7/21 after the church service.
7) Trout Bend Footpath - Julia
Melitta Izzard is leading this project & has received a few residents witness statements. Melitta has been trying to download the form from MDC to submit the statements but has been unable to. She is waiting for MDC to get back to her & help her.
8) Food Bank Donations - Julia
The donations are tailing off but the collections will continue on the last Wednesday of the month for the foreseeable future.
9) Planning Applications - Julia
Armchair field - The Planning Inspectors hearing is taking place via Microsoft Teams on 5th May. Daniel Foster has submitted an objection & is attending the hearing on behalf of the 37 residents who have funded an appeal.
Coombe Brook - No decision has been made yet
Concrete paths at Holeground - Doug has written to MDC & an enforcement case has been started. Jim Hardcastle from AONB has been informed by a number of people & has notified Historic England & Natural England who are both doing a site visit shortly. Ros Wyke, leader of MDC has been notified.
Julia to speak to Mike Pullen & Ed Danson
Land at back of LA Moore site - Haybridge Residents have been voicing their concerns about the large area that has been cleared recently & asking what was being planned for the area.
Julia to speak to Mike Pullen.
11) AOB
Ed Danson is trying to get a Village history/ Information hub set up in the old bus shelter at the bottom of School Hill.
Julia to put out a request for volunteers to help maintain the garden around the shelter & repair the roof.
12) Next meeting will be held 16th June 7.30pm, venue to be confirmed.