Wookey Hole Residents Forum Minutes 10th February 2021

Minutes of WHFC meeting via Zoom 10th February 2021

Present Julia Scarth-Chair, Sarah Mardle-Secretary, Doug Robinson, Sarah Chambers, Charlie Chambers, Chloe Parish

1: Apologies for absence.    Roger Hancock, Sue Lee has stood down from the committee

2. Minutes of last meeting 9th December 2020 were agreed and signed & will be posted on Wookey Hole Website

3: Treasurers Report - Sarah C
Sarah C reported that the current bank balance is £1622.14 (£520 being held for Parish council grant) and we are holding £540.73 for LWTST balance of £561.41

4: Road working group.
Sarah C reported that they have now decided on aims and objectives and will be meeting again in March. Sarah thinks that signage will be the most probable outcome.

5: Lockdown experiences publication - Sarah M
So far we have received 1 publication. Les Cloutman has provided a lockdown wildlife report for January, this has been put on the website & has had 185 hits. Sarah & Charlie C have created some lockdown experiences & will forward to Sarah M to put on the website. Julia has just forwarded Les Cloutmans 2nd wildlife report for Feb & Sarah M will put on website.

6: Trout Bend Footpath - Julia
Melitta Izzard has volunteered to lead this project, there are a few residents that have said they will provide statements to show they regularly use the path.
It was agreed that we should put Paul Cannons article about Green Lane on the web site.
New signs have been provided by the private owner of Green Lane, information on these will go out on the next email by Julia. It was bought up about the uncertainty as to if there are signs at the bottom of the Green lane approach in Wookey hole.
Sarah C informs that there are no lost footpaths in Wookey hole that have been indicated on the Ramblers web site.

7: WH Village Website - Sarah M
John Grange has kindly tweeked the website so we can now load on lockdown experience videos.
Sarah provided a report of the amount of viewings each article had received.
The residents forums minutes for October had 285 hits, for Augusts one 653 hits, Junes 885 hits. The Coronavirus article had 3021 hits.

8) Future Events - Roger
No progress due to lockdown, we will discuss at next meeting

9) Food Bank Donations - Julia
Sandy Witters reported to Julia that the donations were gratefully received. The collections will continue to be on the last Wednesday of the month, especially needed were egg boxes & tinned ham. A reminder will be sent out to the mailing list a week before each collection is due.

10) Ivor Tetley Planning Appeal - Julia
The Armchair field appeal currently has over 30 people signed up for the Zoom meeting with Daniel Foster on Thursday 18th February at 4pm. Doug points out that there is nothing about the appeal on the actual planning website.

11) AOB
The committee agreed that on Julia's next WHRF info email, we would pay a tribute to Gerry Cottle who has recently passed away.

It was also agreed that a copy of Julia's WHRF newsletters should be published on the WH Village website.

Following the publication of the Residents Forums AGM newsletter, Julia has received 2 thank you's from residents.

Sarah C reported that the Conservation Report for the proposed development behind Coombe Brooke had been published & it was not in favour of the residents objecting to the planning permission. Sarah C agreed to create an email to send out to the mailing list asking for objections.

Chloe suggested setting up a book/games/puzzles exchange in the Church porch. Julia said it gets quite damp in there. Chloe suggested the old Telephone Box.

Julia mentioned a local resident who was looking for a garage or off road space to park his campervan. Julia agreed to put this request on the next newsletter.  

12: Next meeting will be held via Zoom 14th April 7.30pm





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