Minutes OF WHRF Cttee meeting via Zoom 8th December 2020



Minutes OF WHRF Cttee meeting via Zoom 8th December 2020

Present, Julia Scarth-Chair, Sarah Chambers-Treasurer, Charlie Chambers, Doug Robinson, Chloe Parish, Roger Hancock, Sandy Witter, David Witter.

Apologies for absence. Sue Lee, Sarah Mardle.


Minutes of last meeting. 7th October were agreed and signed and will be posted on the Wookey Hole website.


Treasurers report - Sarah C (who has replaced Roger Hancock) Sarah reported that the current balance is £1622.14 (£520 is being held for Parish council grant) Closing balance £1102.14.  Julia will inform the bank about changes to signatories and change of treasurer.


Neighbourhood plan – Julia. Julia has been in touch with Tony Hathaway. Not much progress has been made with this as the council has been busy with other matters. If it is to progress more people will have to get involved. Tony said he is happy get in touch with anyone who would like more information.


Road working group – Sarah C, Roger, Julia
Sarah informed that since we last met a working party has been formed involving herself, Julia, Roger and four local parish councillors.  They have met once and are meeting again tomorrow; the outcome of the first meeting was that a traffic survey has been performed whilst we were in lockdown. They thought this would measure the flow of traffic in the village when the caves are closed.  A comprehensive report collating the results of this survey are available as are the individual surveys that were done in six different locations at three different times of the day over a week. Sarah says that that the aim at the moment is to have a map of the roads and lanes in the village which we can indicate our observations and requirements on e.g dangerous spots, where signs could be improved.

Sarah suggests the next steps are 1    To action a signage survey – it is felt that there could be better signs in the village, or some of the current signs in the village could be moved to better locations. Sarah would like the opinion of the rest of the Forum/village on what signage would be preferred. 2. It would be useful to do another traffic survey in the Village when the Caves/Inn/Club are open to compare to the current lockdown survey however, this would need a lot of people to be involved - we need to decide to what depth we want to take the next survey. Julia thought that an all-year-round survey would represent more of comprehensive set of results to give to the council. It was suggested that a similar scheme to Priddy could be undertaken where school children have designed and made signs. Lack of schoolchildren in Wookey Hole would mean that a wider spectrum of people would be required, no plans were made for this. Doug Robison highlighted the fact that the Homestead Park planning application road survey suggested that the average speed limit in the village was below 30mph. Julia would like to thank Tatiana for the hard work done during the road assessment along with other participants.

Lockdown Experiences – Chloe Parish
Chloe has put together a written request to the village for residents to share their lockdown experiences. This will be uploaded to the village website. Julia asked if anyone would object to this going on to the website, no objections were made. Sarah Mardle has had some training from John Grange on website management; therefore we could approach Sarah as to how to upload the content. Chloe also volunteered to help to make this happen.

Julia informed that John Grange has most likely renewed our hosting for the website as it is still up and running. Julia also said that the total number of hits on the site is 10,250. Chloe suggested it might be good to get more analytical information about who is viewing the site. Julia will also check with Sarah M what period this covers.  All agreed it is worth keeping the website up and running.


Footpaths - Sarah C/Julia
Julia has asked Less Cloutman if he would be interested in taking on a footpath working party. He is not keen to do this. Sarah informed of the Ramblers new initiative to save British footpaths and maybe we could put forward the obstructed Trout Bend footpath as a case specimen. Julia thought that longer paths may be first choice and Trout Bend may be too short. Therefore, we will wait to see if the Trout Bend footpath appears on the Ramblers mapping before further investigation. In the meantime, we can continue to try to get extra sources involved within the village.

Bring and Share supper – Julia
It was discussed that the new bring and share idea suggested at the 7th October 2020 meeting will be difficult to plan and implement under the present lockdown and tier systems. Roger still feels that a new year bring and share is a good idea and will put together some ideas for the next meeting as to how it could be planned and funded. It was suggested that a summer picnic style bring and share event held in the church grounds or Glencot house grounds would be a good idea for the summer when restrictions should be easier.


Holding the AGM – Julia
Julia informed that there has not been an AGM or general meeting since October 2019. In previous years AGM’s had been in April 2015, April 2016, April 2017, and Sept 2019. Julia asked the forum if we should have an AGM via zoom in February or wait until April and assess the situation. This was voted on and the decision to postpone until April was unanimous. It was agreed that an email should be circulated reviewing what the Forum had done since the last AGM and our intention to delay holding one until we can do it in person rather than zoom.  Julia will ask Sarah M if she could write this up and circulate it.


Food bank Donations - Sandy Witter
Sandy informed that 80 food parcels have been delivered from the Wells vineyard the last time she had helped.  The donations from Wookey Hole are appreciated and we will continue with the current collection system.


AOB – No


Next meeting  Next meeting to be held via zoom on Wednesday 10th February at 7.30

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