Wildlife Blog - July 2016

In praise of our Little Brown Butterflies
Maybe there are not as many as we oldies remember but there are still lots of
butterflies in our countryside – some even visiting  our gardens.
Some like the peacock and red admiral are as beautiful and showy as their names suggest  but  ‘brown’ butterflies at first glance look very uninteresting  but take a closer look!
The ones you are most likely to see

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Meadow Brown  Ringlet
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Gatekeeper Small heath


August is school holiday time – make it a wild month!
There is so much wildlife to see and things to do in Somerset.
With the Somerset Wildlife Trust (SWT) you can go to some of the very best parts. 
Our local Wells Wildlife Group will be meeting at the Bishops Palace Moat (By the drawbridge)at 8.00pm on Tuesday  the 23rd Aug joining  bat experts with bat detectors. Other years we have seen- and heard-  up to seven different  species including dozens of Daubenton’s bats flying out from the drawbridge  chains to skim low over the moat hunting for insects, tiny Pipistrelles ,  and nationally rare  Greater Horseshoes who come out from caves on the Mendips.
For more information on this walk contact Amanda Millar 01458 741821 or David Coggan 01749 673155


It is fairly  easy walking but be aware that we will finish well after dark,  and it can get quite cool - even in summer.
Oh and bring an adult along -   why should you have all the fun!

Natterer's Bat Nigel Milbourn  2011

There are events and organised walks on almost every day of the month
– just check out the SWT website: http://www.somersetwildlife.org/events.html

Les Cloutman       bett.les@talktalk.net .


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