New application for 148 more houses on Wookey Hole Rd
A planning application for outline planning permission for 148 new homes adjacent to Underwood Business Park, opposite the new Bovis Development on Wookey Hole Rd has recently been submitted to Mendip District Council. The application number is 2019/2883 and this is a link to it
Because of this application, our Parish Council have changed the venue of their next Planning Committee meeting at 7pm on Wednesday 18th December to be at Wookey Hole Community Hall instead of Coxley. The Parish Council will decide at this meeting if they will be recommending to Mendip District Council approval or refusal for the application. It would be good if as many residents as possible could attend. It would be helpful if anyone wishing to speak at the meeting (max 3 mins) could write to the chairman, Marcel Hayden
Representations to Mendip District Council should be made by 26th December at the latest.
From:- District of Mendip
Parish of St Cuthbert Out
Temporary closure of Titlands Lane
An order will come into force
from proceeding along Titlands Lane
from 170m south of the junction with
Kennel Batch, southwards for a total
distance of 80 meters.
This order will enable Wales and West
Utilities to install a new gas service.
The order becomes effective on 07 January
2020 and will remain in force for eighteen
months. The works are expected to last for
3 days.
Visit for more infor-
Carol concert/ service Wookey HoleThis year the plan is the same as in previous years :
Date & Venue: Sunday 15th December at 3.30 in St Mary Magdalen church Wookey Hole.
An informal concert half hour of singing & playing will run into the Carol service (4pm) PLEASE LET ME KNOW if free & interested to sing or play.
ONLY 2 REHEARSALS probably MIDDAY on SUNDAY DEC. 1st in the church and again MIDDAY on SATURDAY 14th (day before event )
at our house 2 The Chilterns BA5 1BS
My mobile 07779 0444 94