
A Call for Performers


We are looking for performers of all

sorts and all ages from Wookey Hole

to enter the talent competition to be

held on Bank Holiday Saturday 27th

August at our Church. Not just

musicians and vocalists but other

skills—stand up comedy, circus,

recitation, ballet, soloists, duets,

bands .............

Prizes include a slot in the Wookey

Hole Music Festival on 10 September.

Don’t be shy. Register your interest

by contacting:-

Julia Scarth This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Tel. 01749 672754 or

Lucy White This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Free Route 60+ Workshop - 27 Sep

Somerset Road Safety will be holding a free Route 60+ workshop at Coxley Memorial Hall on Tuesday 27th September from 10:00am till 1:00pm

'Route 60+' is a presentation aimed at senior drivers, with the aim of addressing not only how vehicles have changed over the years, but also how our own driving skills and habits may have changed and how we can go about updating those skills. 

Driving provides independence and is a skill that should be nurtured for as long as possible. If a driver stops driving for a period of time it is, inevitably, much more difficult to try and start again at a later date and this workshop is designed to help you keep your licence for as long as safely possible. The presentation itself lasts approximately 60 minutes. There will be opportunities to talk to members of the road safety team about any driving or road safety concerns you may have. Representatives from Age Concern, local Fire and Police services and other agencies will be attending to provide advice. There will also be the opportunity for health checks with qualified professionals. Free refreshments will be available and the atmosphere is very relaxed. You don't even have to be over 60 to come along!

There is no need to book in advance, simply turn up on the day. The presentation will usually run 90 minutes before the event finishes so if you wish to view it, please turn up in plenty of time.

Those attending will receive a free bag including a hi-vis jacket and a copy of the highway code. Details of accredited driving instructors will be available should any attendees require further support with their individual driving issues. 

Contact Somerset Road Safety on 01823 423430 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.for more information

For Sale (Proceeds to community garden)

I am having a clearout and have a number of items I no longer want and would like to pass on (donations towards fund for Wookey Hole community garden at the church)
"Champion" juicer (masticating type) good working order
IKEA "Billy " bookcases 80cm x 28cm x 202cm
IKEA "Billy" bookcases 80cm x 28cm x 106cm
IKEA "Billy" bookcases 40cm x 28cm  x 202cm
IKEA "Billy" bookcases 40cm x 28cm x 106cm
IKEA "Benno" CD shelf units 20cm x 17cm x 202cm
If interested, please call Nancy on 01749 938591

Thank You

Thank You
Lyn and Mike Astil would like to thank all who participated in the recent Quiz Night at the Community Hall, 8 of the possible 9 tables were filled.

£156 was raised towards the running of the Hall.

Our thanks also to those who kindly donated raffle prizes.

Can you tell us about Finger Sign Posts?

St Cuthbert’s Out Parish Council have agreed a project to look into the cost of repairing the Finger Sign Posts around the Parish. Prior to doing we need to ascertain the location and condition of the all fingerposts within the parish in order to formulate an action plan to bring them up to standard to present to the Council for approval.

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