
Fire & Tempest at Wells Cathederal

Fire and Tempest at Wells Cathedral


There will be magnificent tempest and earthquake, spiritual battle and the voice of God at Wells Cathedral on 30th March, when Wells Cathedral Oratorio Society and the English Symphony Orchestra present Felix Mendelssohn’s Elijah. 
The Oratorio Society will be joined by soloists Elizabeth Atherton (soprano), Katy Bray (mezzo soprano), Peter Auty (tenor) and Ben McAteer (bass) for this, one of the most important choral works of the nineteenth century in the great tradition of Bach and Handel. The Conductor is Matthew Owens.
Last performed by the Society in Wells in 2006, the audience can once again experience the power, excitement and tension of this epic musical drama telling the story of the prophet Elijah. 
Felix Mendelssohn said, 1838: "I imagined Elijah as a real prophet through and through, of the kind we could really do with today: Strong, zealous and, yes, even bad-tempered, angry and brooding—in contrast to the riff-raff, whether of the court or the people, and indeed in contrast to almost the whole world—and yet borne aloft as if on angels’ wings." 

Elijah, Felix Mendelssohn

Wells Cathedral, Saturday 30 March, 7pm

Tickets: Online at: www.wcos.org.uk

Some available from Wells Cathedral Shop: Monday to Saturday 10.00am - 5.00pm; Sunday 11.00am - 5.00pm: 01749 672773; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..net

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