As with many other major buildings in Wookey Hole, the Church stands picturesquely by the main road through the village. Simple in construction, its exterior conceals an internal beauty developed over many years. Before the Church was built the churchgoing villagers attended services at Wookey or Wells. Later, after being granted a licence by the Bishop, services were held at Wookey House and in the main hall of the new school.
The first official Census of Population in England was taken in 1801 and a census has been taken every ten years since except for 1941. 2001 therefore is the year of the Census. The analysis, however, may take two or more years before it is published. Meanwhile, for the Village Millennium Book, is it possible to give some estimate of the number of people living in Wookey Hole with a broad breakdown into age groups, gender and a look back at recent changes?
Reverend John Collinson in 1791 gave his interpretation of the meaning of Wookey Hole in the following passage: "The country which environs it is a rich champaign, faced on the north and east by the lofty ridges of Mendip, and having a pleasing variety of surface, adorned with wood and plentifully watered by a copious rivulet, which turns several mills at a small distance from its source. This source is some way under the great mass of Mendip, but it first emerges at a very remarkable cavern, called Wookey Hole, either from the British Ogof, which signifies a cave, or from the Saxon Voc and Ea, implying an agitated water; and communicating its appellation to the Parish in general."
In 1976, following a village meeting in the Church of St Mary Magdalene, a committee was formed to arrange events and raise money for a Jubilee celebration. Money raising events included coffee mornings, a fashion show, a cookery demonstration, a talk on the local climate through the ages, a less-than-serious football match, a jumble sale and dance, a skittles match, raffles and a Concert and Hobbies Exhibition. There was also a weekly collection and draw. Various donations were received from individuals, village organisations and local firms. The total raised was £1614.56. All the events were enjoyable but especially the Concert and Hobbies Exhibition which revealed an amazing amount of local talent in arts, painting and drawing, lace-making, spinning, fly-tying, needlecraft, poetry, music and drama.
“Wookey Hole Week-day Schools, in the Out Parish of S. Cuthbert, near Wells, Somerset. Erected in 1871 by Messrs W.S. Hodgkinson & Co., for the Education of the Children of those employed in their Paper Works, and of others resident in the immediate neighbourhood.
Non nobis, Domine, non nobis; sed Nomini Tuo da Gloriam. Amen.