Wookey Hole Residents Forum Coffee Morning 9th Sept 10am in WH Club

Wookey Hole Residents Forum Coffee Morning 9th Sept 10am in WH Club

Homestead Tearooms and Marque


Greetings from Wookey Hole Residents Forum Committee!

The purpose of the Forum is to enhance and protect Wookey Hole and its
surroundings, to act as a focus for residents’ opinions on local matters, and to
encourage ideas and actions on local projects.

If you live in the village you’re automatically in the Forum and we’d like to
know what’s important for you.

We invite you to drop in for coffee and cake, find out about ideas that have already
come forward, and share your own suggestions for the village and its activities.
All ages and ideas welcome.

10.00am – 12.30pm
Saturday 9th September
Wookey Hole Club

Can’t make the date? Email your ideas, and be added to our mailing list, by
contacting This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Part of a weekend of special events celebrating the new roof on Wookey Hole Club.
More details here: www.wookeyholeclub.co.uk
Greetings from Wookey Hole Residents Forum Committee!

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